Hiya everyone!
I'm back (temporarily)!
I've just looked on my emails for this blog and I know a number of you have sent me emails asking where I am etc.
Well, I am here, I'm fine- you see, I'm studying A Levels at the moment and college is very hectic! It's so hard to keep up with everything right now but come end of June, I will be freeeeeee! And yes, I will be back to writing blog posts for you guys. Plus I'll have more to talk about as I'm hopefully going to be starting university in September, to study a Psychology degree.
So for now its farewell... but I'll be back end of June with a new blog post.
P.S Thank you so much to those people that have sent me emails about how inspiring and positive my blog is, you don't know how much your words make my day and it's very very kind of you.
Beth x